Hvordan ser vores logikstikkæder ud i fremtiden?
Oven på de seneste års pandemi, klimaforandringer og geopolitiske bevægelser, kan virksomheder ikke ignorere, at flere af deres forretningsområder – især deres logistikkæder – er blevet langt mere skrøbelige.
Vi har samlet nogle dygtige eksperter, der vil hjælpe os med, hvordan vi kan imødekomme udfordringerne, og blive klar til fremtidens erhvervsliv.
Transform your services with Sustainable IT
Channel partners have to come up with sustainably manufactured products, low energy consumption levels, solutions for a circular IT, as well as ideas for sustainable cloud operations.
Find out about vendors and products leading the way, how IoT can support sustainability, circular economy offers and more.
Stay tuned for more information about this topic!
Increase your performance: As-a-Service by ALSO
Your XaaS business is as successful as your platform. Which products were purchased when, who uses them, when do which services expire? There are many isolated applications for purchasing, sales, billing or financing, but no software that solves the problem as a whole.
ALSO has exactly the right platform to organize your XaaS business efficiently and profitably.
Stay tuned for more information about this topic!