2017-01-02 - Kauno rajonas, Kumpių k.

ALSO padeda partneriams atlikti migracijos į „Microsoft Azure“ procedūras

ALSO savo partneriams siūlo paslaugą „Assisted Migration“. ALSO specialistai, turintys „Microsoft“ atestatus, pasinaudodami savo kompetencija ir žiniomis, padeda paspartinti migracijos procedūras į „Microsoft Azure“ platformą ir užtikrina didžiausią klientų pasitenkinimą šioje srityje.

ALSO, pridėdama paslaugą „Assisted Migration“, išplėtė Microsoft CSP paslaugų asortimentą portale ALSO Cloud Marketplace. ALSO partneriai, pasirinkę naująją paslaugą, gali pasinaudoti geriausios praktikos pavyzdžiais ir gauti žinių apie migravimo procesą. „Assisted Migration“ paslauga yra prieinama visiems partneriams penkiolikoje ALSO šalių.

„Būdami didžiausiais „Indirect“ Microsoft CSP partneriais Europoje, įgavome milžiniškos darbo patirties su migravimo procesais. Vienas iš svarbiausių sėkmingo migravimo veiksnių yra greita ir kvalifikuota pagalba, teikiama kada beprireiktų. Kiekvienas projektas yra unikalus, todėl, siūlydami savo partneriams atestuotų specialistų pagalbą ir žinias, iš kitų teikėjų išsiskiriame sėkmingais migravimo projektais ir didžiausiu klientų pasitenkinimu“, – sakė „ALSO Holding AG“ generalinis direktorius Gustavo Möller-Hergt.

„Microsoft“ savo partneriams visame pasaulyje suteikia naujų verslo galimybių. Vis daugiau įmonių naudojasi „Azure“ platformos paslaugomis ir migravimas iš esamų, „on-premise“ sistemų į debesis tampa vis populiaresnis. „Assisted Migration“ paslaugos tikslas yra padėti sumažinti kliūtis parduoti „Azure“ paslaugas ir užtikrinti kuo sklandesnį ir spartesnį migravimą.

Daugiau informacijos ir prieigą prie ALSO Cloud Marketplace rasite čia: http://www.also.cloud.

ALSO Holding AG (Emmen/Switzerland) brings providers and buyers of the ICT industry together. The company offers services at all levels of the ICT value chain from a single source. In the European B2B marketplace, ALSO bundles logistics services, financial services, supply services, solution services, digital services, and IT services together into individual service packages. ALSO's portfolio contains more than 160 000 articles from some 350 vendors. The Group has around 3 880 employees throughout Europe. In fiscal year 2015 (closing on December 31), the company generated net sales of 7.8 billion euros. The majority shareholder of ALSO Holding AG is the Droege Group, Düsseldorf, Germany. Further information is available at https://www.also.com.

Droege Group

(Major shareholder)

Droege Group (founded in 1988) is an independent consulting and investment company under full family ownership. The company acts as a specialist for tailor-made restructuring programs aiming to enhance corporate value. Droege Group combines its corporate family-run structure and capital strength into a family-equity business model. The group carries out direct investments with own equity in corporate subsidiaries and medium-sized companies in "special situations". The motto of "The Art of Implementation” has made the group a pioneer of hands-on implementation-oriented corporate development. Droege Group demonstrates its implementation excellence daily within its own portfolio. The entrepreneurially platforms of the Droege Group are aligned to current megatrends (knowledge, connectivity, prevention, demography, shopping 4.0, future work). Enthusiasm for quality, innovation and speed determines our actions. In this way Droege Group has successfully gained a position in domestic and international markets and operates with over 120 companies in 30 countries.

More information: https://www.droege-group.com


Microsoft Corp was founded in 1975. It was incorporated in the State of Washington. The Company generates revenue by developing, manufacturing, licensing, and supporting software products and services for different types of computing devices. The Company's software products and services include operating systems for personal computers, servers, and intelligent devices; server applications for distributed computing environments; information worker productivity applications; business solutions applications; high-performance computing applications; software development tools; and video games. More information: https://www.microsoft.com/


This press release contains forward-looking statements which are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the ALSO management. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements made here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation, and performance of our Group. The Group accepts no responsibility for updating these forward-looking statements or adapting them to future events or developments.


Kontaktai :

Beate Flamm
+49 151 61266047