3/dez/2020 -
Overview opening hours and delivery times per day:
Thu, 24 December 2020
- The ALSO offices will close at 15:00
- Cut-off time for order booking at 10:00 (is non-standard)
- No pick up of goods by carriers or very limited until 12:00.
- So mind pick up at Dec 23rd
- Delivery times could be longer than standard.
Mon, Tue, Wed: 28, 29, 30 December 2020
Cut-off time for order booking: regular
- Limited pick up of goods by carriers
- Delivery times could be longer than standard.
Thu 31 December 2020
- The ALSO offices will close at 15:00
- No pick up of goods or very limited until 12:00
- Cut-off time for order booking 10:00 (is non-standard)
- Delivery times could be longer than standard
Mon 4 January 2020
- All back to normal
Changed ALSO office opening hours
Fri 24 December 2020: 06:00 - 15:00
Fri 31 December 2020: 06:00 - 15:00
Regular opening hours: 06:00 - 23:00