16-03-2020 - Tåstrup
Konsekvenser af COVID-19: ALSO hjælper kunderne
ALSO vil hjælpe partnere, der på den korte bane kan opleve likviditetsproblemer som en konsekvens af Corona-virus. ”Alle forhandlere vil via vores Business Intelligence-værktøj, løbende blive analyseret, så vi har mulighed for at hjælpe proaktivt. På den måde har vi et klart og præcist billede af vores loyale kunder, som overordnet er økonomisk stabile, men som i denne tid risikerer at løbe ind i vanskeligheder grundet Corona-virus. Du vil modtage hurtig og ubureaukratisk støtte fra ALSO” udtaler Gustavo Möller-Hergt, CEO of ALSO Holding AG.
Baseret på salgsvolume og -niveau tilbyder vi at forlænge betalingsfristen for de forhandlere, som er særligt udsatte nu. Til dette formål frigiver ALSO Holding, på tværs af landene, et tocifret millionbeløb i euro til at kunne supportere de udsatte partnere gennem Corona-tiden. ALSO vil være fleksible i forhold til den enkelte partners situation, når det gælder kreditbetingelser. Implementeringen af de nye indsatser vil ske med kort varsel, og vil i hvert fald være gældende indtil slutningen af april. Herefter vil ALSO selvfølgelig revurdere behovene, og vi vil fortsat assistere og rådgive vores SMB-partnere med de problemer, der måtte opstå.
Ved spørgsmål der relaterer sig til COVID-19 eller ovenstående information, skriv til: support4corona@also.com (Din henvendelse skal skrives på engelsk).
ALSO gør alt for at beskytte sine kunder, partnere og medarbejdere. Hele teamet hos ALSO ønsker at være en støtte i denne svære tid. Vi vil snarest offentliggøre flere detaljer om yderligere specifikke tiltag.
Direkte link til pressemeddelelsen .
ALSO Holding AG (ALSN.SW) (Emmen/Switzerland) brings providers and buyers of the ICT industry together. ALSO offer more than 660 vendors of hardware, software and IT-services access to over 110 000 buyers, who can call a broad spectrum of other customized services in the logistics, finance, and IT services sectors, as well as traditional distribution services. From the development of complex IT landscapes, the provision and maintenance of hardware and software, right through to the return, reconditioning and remarketing of IT hardware, ALSO offers all services as a one-stop shop. ALSO is represented in 23 European countries and generates total net sales of approximately 10.7 billion euros with around 4 000 employees in the fiscal year 2019. The principal shareholder of ALSO Holding AG is the Droege Group, Düsseldorf, Germany. Further information is available at https://also.com
Droege Group
Droege Group (founded in 1988) is an independent advisory and investment company under full family ownership. The company acts as a specialist for tailor-made transformation programs aiming to enhance corporate value. Droege Group combines its corporate family-run structure and capital strength into a family- equity business model. The group carries out direct investments with its own equity in corporate spin-offs and medium-sized companies in «special situations». With the guiding principle «execution - following the rules of art», the group is a pioneer in execution-oriented corporate development. Droege Group follows a focused investment strategy based on current megatrends (knowledge, connectivity, prevention, demography, specialization, future work, shopping 4.0). Enthusiasm for quality, innovation and speed determines the company’s actions. In recent years Droege Group has successfully positioned itself in domestic and international markets and operates in 30 countries. More information: https://droege-group.com
This press release contains forward-looking statements which are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the ALSO management. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements made here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation, and performance of our Group. The Group accepts no responsibility for updating these forward-looking statements or adapting them to future events or developments.
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